Essentially not important stuff...

UPdAtE: Finally I got off my lazy bum to actually put something new in here. Truth is, I don't have much time. We just started this page our of pure summer boredom a wwwhiiile wwwaaaay back ago, and I guess updates just got old. Jen's not as lazy as I am, mind you, and she'll probably do some updating stuff, but don't rely on me unless u really honestly have to! i know the "old regulars" don't come here anymore (judging from the eager enthusiasm of the message board with most recent messenges dated "September") so if your here right now, i'll assume this is all new to you and me taking my time to write all this gibberish didn't really matter. ENJOY

Yes. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to my place. This page is all about me. I'd advise you to leave now! Before it's to late and you are sucked into the slumholes of this very corrupted site. Just kidding. (hopefully, for your sake, anyways) Soo...let me do begin.

I am an ordinary girl living the double life of a superhero. With the powers of Alex Mack, I roam from city to city in search of the people who bash Dawson's Creek. By using my special Men In Black memory eraser, I create a new life for them, one infested with the likes of Dawson's Creek. A happy, wonderful new life, and then my day is done.

Ha. I'd like to think that. But, alas, it is not so. I am just an ordinary girl, with on occasion, the ten bucks in her pocket, (My Canadian dollar does not go too far, unfortunately :) have struggled with her html skills, (or rather, lack of) to make this page to debate against the bashers, yet not to make comment on them or their being. . .by transmitting waves of brainwashing psycho power through the screen. Have fun!

If you have any beefs with this page, get lost. Just joshing. E-mail me here with your thoughts, okay? Or just join

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